Waterway Diffusers

Waterway Diffusers
Waterway Diffusers are the MOST common and are used on literally hundreds of styles and types of Waterway jet. Whilst it maybe daunting to look for your replacement jet, the good news is that there are only 4 types of Waterway diffuser which can snap onto any (parent) jet front, regardless of colour or jet face style. There are only FOUR d...
Waterway Diffusers are the MOST common and are used on literally hundreds of styles and types of Waterway jet. Whilst it maybe daunting to look for your replacement jet, the good news is that there are only 4 types of Waterway diffuser which can snap onto any (parent) jet front, regardless of colour or jet face style. There are only FOUR diffusers available from Waterway - if you cannot match your diffuser with any of these, you will need to buy the complete jet. Our Trade partners should also look in "Trade Deals" IMPORTANT SALES NOTE - WE GET ASKED THIS ALL THE TIME. "My diffusers look the same and have the same number but the lugs are facing downwards, unlike the ones on your website - can you please help ?" FACT : Waterway changed the design of the diffusers around 5 years ago and now the lugs face upwards. Therefore, these are the only diffusers you can buy. We sell thousands of diffusers each year with no problems, buy with confidence.

Waterway Diffusers There are 9 products.

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